Welcome to retrograde, a celebration of cycling's past, present, and future!
The parts database contains information about parts, with links to helpful information.
Users can contribute parts information to help grow the database.
Bookmarks that provide information on parts or relevant topics can be linked to help others make good decisions about parts and bike maintenance.
Add listings for parts, scope out the best deals and get credit when people shop.
Look up the value of your parts, with a price estimate from available data.
Keep track of the parts in your parts bin and quickly put them up for sale.
Ask questions to be answered by the community.
Contact me to get involved!
Help Wanted
This site is a work in progress, with the intention of providing a helpful resource to the community. I am currently looking for feedback and volunteers who can help get it off the ground.
SRAM and CAMPAGNOLO experts who can help document parts and compatibility.
Archivists who can find information about old parts, add them to the database, and link back to the source.
Designers interested in creating the look and feel of the site.
Front end developers. I'm happy to train someone who wants to learn.
Back end developer who knows Drupal, or wants to learn.
Please contact me if you are interested!