
Retrograde.bike is a place for bike enthusiasts to share information about bike and parts, with an emphasis on bike hacks (compatibility) and highlighting cool pars, old and new.

The parts database lets you find information about parts, with links to helpful information about them.

Listings can be added to find where to find parts and keep track of market prices. This will help set prices for resale or find bargains on ebay.

The inventory system lets you keep track of your parts, including where you got them and how much they cost you. In the future, we will make it easy to create posts on sites like ebay to quickly sell parts. We may also add an buy/trade system on the site.

Users and submit bookmarks with helpful info about bikes. These are tagged with relevant bike parts and topics so they show up on those pages.

Create a project to share your progress in renovating a bike. In the future we will have a resale calculator that adds the value of components from estimated list prices.

Articles discuss things to know about working on and riding bikes.


I hope this site becomes a useful resource for other people who enjoy bicycles.

This site is built in Drupal, learn more about it here: andrewsclasses.com/project/retrogradebike.



I came up with the name retrograde while building up an old mountain bike as a gravel bike. I like the retro aesthetic, and wanted to revive the frame with some upgraded parts.

Since buying the domain, I see there are a number of sites with similar names, and I may end up changing it.



